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Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Goood morning Bloggers!!!

Good morning all. Have to admit im really really well today. After my last blog yesterday i didn't go to bed. Instead i stayed up for a further 2.5hrs and played Zelda on the Wii. William was helping me and it felt good. As we decided enough was enough and went to bed i became very worried if i was going to have bad dreams because the game, well it was a little violent. But as i snuggled down in bed, coco cuddle against my feet under the duvet and William cuddling me i realized that it doesn't matter if i did, because they were dreams, and that is all. You can not be scared of something that happens when you sleep, otherwise you would never sleep. So the next thing i heard was "tablet time". As i kinda raised one eye i noticed it was extremely bright in our bedroom. Yet again William was up and ready for work and had tablets in one hand and water in the other. I didn't want to put this off today so i gladly took both of the items from him. Then it hit me i have no free hands to take the tablets. I think Will laughed at me on seeing this as i really was not awake, but sure enough he held one of the items and so i took my tablets straight away. William then kissed me on the head and said his goodbyes. I think i may have grunted something but can not really remember. The next thing i knew was it was 9:50am and i was listening to Chris moyles car park catch phrase on the radio. He is so funny to listen to, although he is one of those people that if you join a conversation to late, you can quiet easily take it a completely different way it was intended. So the first words i heard were "he has a little one doesn't he?" lol, they were talking about cars, but yeah, i bet you thought the same as me. lol

Well its a big day today for my sister in law. You see last week she sat several exams and they are the finals for her time at uni. Now these exams if passed means that she will find out if she has qualified as a Dr. Now if she does, which lets face it she has more intelligence then she gives herself means she can then work as an F1 in hospitals. She could then call herself a Doctor however not practice without supervision. How cool is that? a Doctor in the family. Though if she is anything like her bother, William, the hospital world better watch out because they have one extremely bright young lady! We said to her when we visited after Christmas that if she passed we would buy her a pink Filofax. Now she could have asked for anything, but she said she had a pen which would match one, and well if that's what she wants then so be it. Ive already looked online to see where we could get a really good one. Man i hope William reads this before he comes home because then i don't have to tell/ask him to take me shopping on Friday to find one. I am soooo naughty and cheeky at the same time. Well here is fingers crossed, but I'm not tooo worried as i have already started making a congratulations card, in fact i think I'm almost done.

Well as i said I'm in a good state today. Its lunch time and i feel hungry and i have had my morning set meals for food. so yeah - lets bring on the afternoon. So until later, bye bye bye. x

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